Shouting into the void

The investigation conducted by the compliance office (in charge of looking into misconduct) concluded I had not been sexually harassed. I was informed via email and, since this email was absolutely unexpected, I read it by chance after a swim and it caught me off guard. 

I felt dizzy and talked to my friend about the email while we walked to the train station. I bid her goodbye, apologising for my depressed self-absorbed state and headed home like a zombie. I was in shock. 

I wrote two emails: one to the person who had emailed me and, later, one to the head of the compliance office.

These are two extracts of these emails that reflect my feelings and my request for a follow up on the case:

I must say I am very surprised at your email, both on the tone and content.

You address a matter that is very sensitive to me in a light and informal way that shows a lack of understanding and respect of my person and what I went through. [...] this email comes to me as a shock and disruption in my life. The tone of your email is extremely unpleasant, and in sum disrespectful and offensive. I am surprised such an email could come from a global compliance office [...]


What has been the underlying process and investigation that I am now informed is concluded? [...] What is the process to appeal the decision? What are my rights if I choose to appeal it? 

Inexplicably, none of my emails were ever answered.


No recourse


“Regarding the outcome of your complaint”